hmmm...lme suda xmnulis kat cni..
sudah kekok nak karang2 ayat..huhu
yang HOT...
sudah seminggu berlalu...
ramai betul my frens yang mnyambut besday bulan lepas..
yang pasti agak pening dan kalut jugak memikirkan gifts utk diorang nie..
dan jugak surprise party yg of course akan diingati smpai bila2..
kalau tak ingat, korang kena ingat jugak taw..
penat berlakon taw...hehe..;)
hepy besday la utk korang2 semua...
zam, cik bella, cik didiey, arix dan cik lieza...;)
CIK BELLA...9/2/1988
CIK DIDIEY...18/2/1988
CIK LIEZA...29/2/1988
A friend gives hope
When life is low
A friend's a place
Where you can go
A friend is honest
A friend is true
A friend is precious
My friend is You
When life is low
A friend's a place
Where you can go
A friend is honest
A friend is true
A friend is precious
My friend is You
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to YOU !!
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to YOU !!
sayang korang semua !!!